Unicamp has agreements with several foreign universities and these agreements can be managed both by DERI and by teachers allocated to teaching units (which are Unicamp's faculties and institutes). Exchange vacancies are negotiated between those responsible for the agreement at Unicamp and foreign universities and are offered through selection notices. But it is important to know that the fact that Unicamp has an agreement, even with an exchange provision, does not guarantee that there will be places available.
Two types of notices are currently offered:
- Notices managed by DERI – vacancies are negotiated by DERI employees, who also issue notices and make the selection according to criteria established by DERI itself, in addition to those required by the destination university. The entire process is carried out using the SIGA system. The exchange period is normally one semester, which can be extended for an equal period and students who have already completed between 30% and 80% of the course can participate in DERI'S notices. For more information, go to Registration, Approval and Leave.
- Double Degree Notices – are managed by teachers responsible for the agreement with the foreign university and who are allocated to Unicamp teaching units. Most of the programs are undergraduate and have universities in Italy and, mainly, France as partners. Participation requirements are defined by those responsible for the notice, and the process can be carried out through the SIGA system or by other means preferred by the responsible teacher. The period of absence is normally four semesters and most of the notices offered are for engineering students.
To find out which notices are available for registration, both those managed by DERI and by teachers, we recommend that the student access the page Notices on our website, in addition to our social networks.
DERI seeks to offer exchange scholarships to the students covered (selected) by each notice, but they depend on the amount of resources offered by Banco Santander, the main financier of the notices managed by DERI. Unfortunately, the number of scholarships offered is limited and, therefore, notices may be issued without granting scholarships.
ATTENTION: DERI DOES NOT nominate students free movers, that is, students who were not selected in notices managed by DERI and/or who will carry out the exchange on their own, even if they have made contact and followed all the application procedures at the destination university. In these cases, even if the destination university has an agreement with UNICAMP and requests the appointment of the student, we emphasize that DERI will NOT nominate students who have not been selected in notices managed by DERI.